Our Team


Angelina is a community speech pathologist, experienced in working with clients to support their language, speech, literacy and functional communication needs.

Angelina graduated from the University of Queensland and has worked in the community since embarking on her journey as a speech pathologist. She is deeply passionate about working with clients of different ages with different needs. Angelina has a particular interest in early language and functional communication. She works to support clients holistically while taking their home environment, family and social context in consideration.

Angelina is a current member of Speech Pathology Australia and has completed independent professional development to pursue her interests and support her clients.

Training completed includes:

  • Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP)

  • Hanen - It Takes Two To Talk program

  • Sounds-Write

  • Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)

  • Learn to Play Therapy

  • D.I.R. Floortime

  • Colourful Semantics